Dank voor uw belangstelling voor het vakgebied onderwijsinnovatie. Hier treft u enkele projecten aan waaraan ik momenteel werk of onlangs heb gewerkt. Neem gerust contact op bij vragen of opmerkingen.
The Teaching Academy Groningen (TAG) is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty Community of Practice for lecturers, by lecturers. The TAG aims to contribute to the quality and innovation of education and more recognition and rewards for teaching and lecturers at the University of Groningen. We do this by promoting interdisciplinary and interfaculty knowledge exchange and collaboration, both internally and externally. Internally between lecturers, researchers, educational scientists, policy staff, and administrators from the different faculties; externally between alumni, relevant partners, and organizations (regional, national, and international).
The Erasmus Plus Project EQuni aims to reduce discriination at higher education institutes in Europe by advancing emotional intelligence. The project focuses on delivering:
1. An EQuni board game to help participants become aware of their emotions and behaviours and discuss the impact.
2. An EQuni mobile game application for online use.
3. Summerschools, trainings and workshops for students, support staf and academic teachers to address discrimination and ways to prevent this in their mutual relationships.
4. Edubadges and microcredentials for rewarding participants.
On Friday October 1 2021, the social innovation congress of Learn2Inspire will inform participants of current developments in the area of social leadership and innovation challenges for social enterprises and entrepreneurs. Participation is for free and participants can view and join the programme by visiting our conference website . See link above.
The conference is proudly hosted by the University of groningen, project leader of Learn2Inspire.
Rede bij de aanvaarding van de leerstoel Onderwijsinnovatie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Download English text Download Nederlandstalige tekstQuick Response Manufacturing (QRM) is gericht op het verkorten van de doorlooptijd van processen in organisaties. Door de doorlooptijd te verkorten wordt de klant sneller bediend en wordt er veel verspilling voorkomen. Verspilling die vaak onzichtbaar blijft, doordat het activiteiten betreft die niet rechtstreeks aan een product of order worden gekoppeld. Grondlegger van QRM is Rajan Suri. Emeritus professor Wisconsin University, School of Engineering. In Europa wordt QRM toegepast in allerlei productiebedrijven en landen. Er is een Europees QRM netwerk waarvan ik president ben.
Jan Riezebos
Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Kamer 629 Duisenberggebouw
Nettelbosje 2
9747AE Groningen